Iwan Himawan*, Sardjito Eko Windarso**, Muryoto***
* Dinas Kesehatan Kota Yogyakarta, Jl. Kenari No.
56, Yogyakarta
email: jonjbola@yahoo.co.id
** JKL Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta, Jl.Tatabumi 3,
Banyuraden, Gamping, DIY 55293
*** JKL Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta
is a zoonosis disease which is suspectedly the most widely spread in the
world, in-cluded Indonesia. In 2011, the number of leptospirosis case in
Yogyakarta City was multi-folded compared with the previous years. The study
was aimed to understand the factors correlated with the disease incidence in
that city in 2011 by conducting an observational study with case control
design. The number of sample both in case and control groups were 30. Cases
were patients who are diagnosed with leptospirosis and recorded in case
report of leptospirosis in the city’s health department in 2011. Meanwhile controls
were a neighbor of patients who did not suffer the typical symptoms of
leptospirosis. Data were obtained through interview and ob-servation. Data
analysis was carried out in stages included univariate, bivariate and multivariate
tests. The bivariate analysis showed that the following factors were
correlated with leptospirosis: risky
occupations (OR=6.000; 95 % CI=1.172-30.725, p=0.045), contact history with
mice (OR= 5.231; 95 % CI=1.675-16.515, p=0.008), having history of wounds (OR=5,675;
95 % CI=1,841-17,494; p=0,004) and behavior of wearing personal protective
equipment (OR=5,444; 95 % CI=1,804-16,427; p=0,005); The subsequent logistic
regression test showed that only having his-tory of wounds and behavior of
wearing personal protective equipment were significantly cor-related with
leprospirosis. Overall, people with both conditions have probablity of
getting the disease as much as 88,77 %.
Keywords : leptospirosis, risk factors
merupakan penyakit zoonosis yang diduga paling luas penyebarannya di dunia
termasuk Indonesia. Di Kota Yogyakarta pada tahun 2011 terjadi peningkatan
jumlah penderita leptospirosis dibanding dengan tahun-tahun sebelumnya.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk me-ngetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan
dengan kejadian leptospirosis di Kota Yogyakarta pada tahun tersebut dengan
melakukan penelitian observasional dengan rancangan kasus kontrol. Jumlah
sampel, baik pada kelompok kasus maupun kontrol adalah 30 orang. Kasus adalah
penderita yang didiagnosis menderita leptospirosis yang tercatat dalam
laporan kasus di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Yogyakarta. Adapun kontrol adalah
tetangga dari penderita leptospirosis ter-sebut yang tidak menderita gejala
khas leptospirosis. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara dan ob-servasi. Analisis
data dilakukan secara bertahap mencakup univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil
analisis bivariat menunjukkan variabel-variabel berikut berhubungan dengan terjadinya leptospirosis: pekerjaan
berisiko (OR = 6,000; 95 % CI=1,172-30,725; p=0,045); riwayat kontak dengan
tikus (OR=5,231; 95 % CI=1,657-16,515; p=0,008); mempunyai riwayat luka
(OR=5,675; 95 % CI=1,841-17,494; p=0,004) dan perilaku memakai APD (OR=5,444;
95 % CI=1,804-16,427; p=0,005). Adapun berdasarkan uji regresi logistik,
variabel yang signifikan berhubungan adalah: mempunyai riwayat luka dan perilaku
memakai APD Secara kesluruhan, orang dengan kondisi memiliki riwayat luka dan
berperilaku tidak memakai APD memiliki probabilitas terkena leptospirosis
sebesar 88,77 %.
: leptospirosis, faktor
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